Betrayer live, 1994

MudgeeSource: 1994 01 19 Penrith Leagues, Penrith Australia DAT

With the mighty Hunters tour rolling into Armidale this weekend, we are one week from the Mudgee show!

Try as we have; we could not find a Vault recording from anywhere near Mudgee, so this is one for the dedicated Sydney fans planning a road trip. We are confident you are reading this…!

It is a rare track recorded in Sydney’s west at the Penrith Leagues.

Betrayer is a Demon Flower album track that appeared in live acoustic form on the Living in Large Rooms and Lounges double album, but has never been heard before in electric form – with the exception of those fortunate enough to have been at the few gigs where it got a run back in 1994!

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One Response to “Betrayer live, 1994”

  1. Matthew Masterton says:

    Another quality Demon Flower track, another unreleased live version of the song.

    Such a shame that many of the live releases, even ‘Live Demons in Amsterdam’ contained the ‘hits’, rather than new material.

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