Harem Scarem – Dogman

Harem Scarem - Dogman EP

Harem Scarem – Dogman EP


Debut EP from Australian hard rock band featuring Barry Palmer, later the guitarist for Hunters and Collectors.

Released In: [Australia / NZ].

Release Date: 1984.

Australian Chart Position: [Did Not Enter].

Availability: Moderately rare. Not available new.

Value: A$15-A$30.


Track Listing(s)


 Commercial single.
 Promotional single.


Version: Au Go Go Australian 12″ EP.

Album length: 28 minutes, 44 seconds.

ReplayGain loudness: N/A (1984).

  1. Snake Eyes
  2. Sweet Thing Desire
  3. Dogman
  4. Fever Rock
  5. Figurehead



Note: Harem Scarem featured Barry Palmer, later of Hunters and Collectors.


Liner Notes


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