Hunters and Collectors – Raw Material #03 1982 03 27 Collendina album 2022

Raw Material #03 1982 03 27 Collendina album (cover)


Desk tape from the self-titled Hunters and Collectors album era.

Released In: [Australia / NZ].

Release Date: Digital: 14 January 2022.

Australian Chart Position: N/A.

Availability: Streaming audio only.


Track Listing(s)


 Commercial single.
 Promotional single.


Version: Digital album.

Album length: 74 minutes, 50 seconds.

ReplayGain loudness: -1.34dB.

  1. Scream Who
  2. Alligator Engine
  3. Mouthtrap
  4. Eggheart
  5. Talking To A Stranger
  6. Loinclothing
  7. Boo Boo Kiss
  8. Run Run Run
  9. Rendering Room
  10. Tender Kinder Baby


Original studio source of the songs on this live album:





Liner Notes

Fans of the first Hunters and Collectors album – this is the last one in our series for you! Nearly 40 years ago, band and crew traveled down to the Collendina Hotel in Ocean Grove near Geelong for this stellar performance.

What does this have on top of the Adelaide gig in late 1981 that we posted earlier? Well, to start with it is a full length concert. Then, importantly, there is more than 10 minutes of Run Run Run. And an early version of Eggheart and an advanced version of Alligator Engine. And favourites including Talking To A Stranger!

There is nothing like it. Turn up the volume.

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