Risk, Politics and Compassion

Mark writes about the deplorable politics of refugees and Afghanistan.

Author:  Mark Seymour.

Date: 21 August 2021.

Original URL: N/A


Article Text


(Stats thanks to the Guardian)

Call me naïve, but you would think, given we spent twenty years trying to ‘rebuild’ Afghanistan,

with the sudden collapse of the regime we’ve been propping up to the tune of $10 bil over twenty years,

and given the trauma and very public despair..

of the afghanis who helped us in that enterprise,

you’d think there might be a proportionate humane response

from Morrison’s government ..

by expanding our current refugee intake..

like … NOW

Consider these numbers..

Canada has immediately gone to 20,000 extra capacity as a direct response to the Taliban take over

And here are some historical antecedents:

After the fall of South Vietnam we immediately announced an increased refugee intake of 55,000

After the Tiananmen square massacre we gave 42,000 Chinese students permanent residence

After the Syrian Civil War Tony Abbot granted an extra 12,000 places..

Immediate reaction.. to specific trauma. Entirely humane.. no wedging involved, no culture war.. just straight out compassion..

I mean really ,what the hell is wrong with Morrison?

He’s a ditherer.. basically.

Dithered on bushfires, dithers on climate, dithered on vaccines, dithered on justice for women, and now the evacuation of Kabul..

In fact, no crisis is too big for Morrison to find a way to avoid dealing with it..

Oh hang on a minute..

There’s always national security.. that old chesnut..

pending analysis, which will of course, remain completely hidden from public view.

But see, any vetting, screening, call it what you will, is always going to occur, whatever the numbers we take.

That’s just obvious.

But it’s also not the point. The point is, appeal to national security straight up, mention terrorism and anyone calling for a compassionate response to real human need will look stupid and naive..

You think that’s an accident?

Course not.. it’s culture war stupid..

Everything this government does, is driven by the optics first and policy second, if it ever gets ‘round to it..

and the real kicker is Morrison refuses to even budge on giving permanent residence to Afghani refugees who are ALREADY HERE..

At risk of starting the boats up again he says.

Really? Even now?

How long have they been here, in the community, enjoying the fruits of the most ‘fantastic country on earth’ as he calls it?

Seen any boats lately?

Come on! I ask you.. would anybody who is already here, waiting for permanent settlement ever be repatriated back to Afghanistan now? How toxic would that be?

The ‘boats’ trope is dead mate.. MOVE ON!

We all have.

The navy is perfectly capable of protecting the border. Everyone knows that..

But see, I ask you.. What is actually so wrong with offering hope? Just that?

What’s wrong with taking decisions that might alleviate the suffering and trauma of desperate people.. like





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