Tarago Diaries #52 – Even The Fool

Mark faces the conspiracies among COVID lockdown challenges.

Author:  Mark Seymour.

Date: 17 July 2021.

Original URL: N/A.


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(Photo by Macca’s Amusements)

“Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”

There are many versions of this statement. Mark Twain was meant to have said it. It’s even in the bible. Proverbs 26:4

So it’s got traction.

Someone comes along and claims that lockdowns are designed to instil fear and panic in the community purely in order to control you, to take away your freedom, to deny you your rights…
and the virus isn’t all that bad.. really.

Naturally, you’re inclined to disagree…

“Ooh .. I don’t think that’s right… Surely not?”

It’s a terrible thought though, especially if you’re already under the pump, financially stressed, isolated at home.. anxious, lonely..

And the beautiful thing about sweeping statements is…. there are so many debating points.

You make the claim.. ‘the government is out to GET YOU!!”

And then locate a whole lot of isolated reasons to back it up.. all of which are debatable and then as each one falls over you come up with a new one..

Then very quickly all parties are lost in a fog of conjecture and word salad, arguing about everything except whether the actual virus is real or not..

Hang on a minute… There’s even time for that.

‘Where the hell is this going?’ You ask.

Well, actually.. nowhere..

and that’s the point. There is no point.

If somebody makes a claim they can’t back up with facts, like medical science for example and then can’t even see the point in doing so..

you just get this blank look.

I remember one guy saying.. “It’s not that infectious man..”

“But what about the American half-mill?”

“But, see…” and then they quickly move on to the next spoon fed assertion.

Like this latest one. Aparently Delta isn’t that serious. Like yeah man. It’s really infectious but it’s not as deadly as the earlier versions. Here. Listen to this epidemiologist from the University of Oklahoma..

But the one binding thread is, yes you guessed it:


Hang on.. take a deep breath.. Think..

I find thinking often helps..

Why would any democratically elected government want to control your life just for the hell of it?

Especially now when there’s so much scrutiny. And see, if you were in the hot seat, having to make all these awful decisions, there’s no way anyone’s going to actually like you for it right? So popularity isn’t even in the conversation. And neither is a bid for power.

You’re just doing it because you have NO CHOICE.

And you know what? Sometimes a duck is in fact.. a duck

because it quacks.

Unless you’re Alan Jones of course. Friend of the friendless.. who’ll say anything to be admired. Even make shit up..

Pharma conspiracy, civil rights, the police state.. crushing the little guy.. because they’re really mean. Oh dear.

But see, when the REAL boss says “nobody likes lockdowns”.. well, you know what? That’s actually true. Nobody does.

It’s shithouse.. for everyone.. hands down.

Which tends to suggest that NOW really isn’t the best time to be pulling off a coup, politically speaking..

And regardless of how much you might arc up, like on the ALAN JONES comment stream..

Governments have one really good reason to push back regardless of what you think..

There’s this virus going’ on. It kills people and we don’t have control over it..


But in all fairness, let’s just say there really is a secret Stalinist puscht underway, just for the sake of argument..

Let’s just say the government really is trying to take away your freedom.. because they like being arseholes..

“Oh look.. here’s this virus. Let’s fuck the country over deliberately.. because we can..”

Yeah. I know. It’s a stretch.

which may or may not be true but whichever way you dice it,

it’ll always be a theory.

And theory is not fact. Sorry.

But you know what? It sort of doesn’t matter really. Whatever methods governments use, they’ve still gotta get the job done, right?

Unless of course a whole lot of people start running round pulling their hair out and yelling..

“I’m not getting vaxxed because..”

Then.. we ALL have a problem..

Even the fool.





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