Mark on meeting The Rolling Stones

An amusing post from Mark Seymour on his Facebook about meeting the Rolling Stones…

Met the Rolling Stones on Saturday. A photo-op in a tent. Got steered down a corridor, told to wait next to a pot plant by a large American named Cheryl, given instructions on where to stand, heard people whisper “they’re coming”, got maneuvered onto a white marker labelled “guest”, shook Mick’s hand which felt like it was about to fall off, smiled at a camera then left. Impressions? The Stones are tiny little Englishmen with very pale skin who don’t talk much. BUT, they were dressed a whole lot better than we (H&C) were. It was a bit like a bunch of unwashed Brickies trying to look normal while meeting the pope. That said, Ronnie Wood was a thorough gentleman. The last thing I remember was hearing someone wailing “I MET KEEF!” as I headed for catering… and It wasn’t me..

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