Rolling Stone Mayday Review

Moderately positive review of Mark Seymour’s Mayday album from Rolling Stone.

Author:  Marcus Teague, Rolling Stone Australia.

Date: 29 May 2015.

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The Hunters & Collectors frontman is intimate with Australia’s vastness, and Mayday’s politics are voiced by its battlers: outback miners, homeless footy fans, old boozers and irate holiday-makers. Home is a ripe theme for Seymour, but his trust in narrative doesn’t always compensate for the music – the plodding “Home Free” and “Two Dollar Punter” never match the storyteller’s arc, unlike the sharp-eyed details of “Football Train” or the stirring “Carry Me Home”. The strutting “Asylum” and a lovely outro to “Thirsty Old Men” show the Undertow’s value. But Mayday is an above-average contemporary rock record, by a celebrated songwriter showing only glimpses of his power. – See more at:




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