Oz Goes Tribal

UK music scene struggles with the concept of Hunters and Collectors.

Author: Roz Reines, New Musical Express (NME).

Date: 13 February 1982.

Original URL: N/A.


Article Text

Over the top down under.

It had to come and it has – the white Australian version of jungle rhythms. Hunters and Collectors hail from the steamy rain forest of downtown Melbourne, and are currently the hottest combo drumming up the storm clouds over Oz’s nascent music scene. They recall the all out rhythm attack of the Pom bands like Pigbag, and the parallels between the respective bohemian scenes of Bristol and Melbourne are closer than their ten thousand miles apart might suggest, and share something of the same simultaneous looseness and commitment.

“It would be hard to be in this group without being reasonably intense about it,” observes percussionist Greg Perano in his slow drawl. “I mean, we’re probably fairly obsessed with it.” (Is this Oz humour or am I missing something here? – Ed)

On a good night the H&C rhythms even manage to persuade the Oz crowds to get on stage for a spontaneous free for all, no mean feat when you think that Aussie punters en masse are as lively as a Kodak on valian. It’s not so much fever as all-out guerrilla warfare.




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