Mystery Mark Grabs the Open Mic

Overview of a surprise open mic Mark gig.

Author:  Tiffany Pilcher, Surf Coast Times (Bellarine Times / Armstrong Creek Times).

Date: 13 March 2013.

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Mark Seymour closes out a successful weekend of music in Aireys Inlet.

High standards have been set for the Aireys Inlet Open Mic Festival’s special mystery guest; this year didn’t disappoint with Mark Seymour taking the stage on the weekend to belt out his Hunters and Collectors and solo hits.

The Australian rock superstar hit all the right notes with the crowd and organiser Marty Maher said it wasn’t difficult to attract big names to such a unique festival.

“Mark said he had such a great time and he loved the concept of the special mystery guest as well as the whole festival itself. He has musical children so the fact that it gives young people so much stage time was a huge drawcard for him.

“The audience reaction was phenomenal, there were about 1,500 people at that performance and it was standing room only.

Mr Maher estimates around 4,000 people attended the festival over the three days and said while numbers were slightly down this year thanks to heavy rain it was the best the festival has ever been.

“The rain affected the day crowd a little but the night crowd was stronger than ever, if anything it added quite a bit of theatre actually. The whole weekend was absolutely fantastic and it just keeps getting better and better.”

“It’s so much fun for visitors and the locals just love it – there is no better community binder than music and that was very clear to see over the course of the event.”




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