Tarago Diaries #38 – Solitude

Mark reflects on isolation.

Author:  Mark Seymour.

Date: 22 August 2020.

Original URL: https://www.facebook.com/MarkSeymourOfficial


Article Text


photo by Stuart Spence

I was reminded yesterday of the many who live alone.

How you or I might live, the choices we’ve made that got us there, the joy, fear and determination to survive under normal circumstances,

Right now, for many.. those choices are gone. All those little flags of freedom..
tempered by the lockdown.

There are people in your neighbourhood who’s best and only form of daily human contact may well have been little more than the local café, the library, or even the seven eleven.

For some, solitude may well be close to unbearable.

Little better than prison.

And the walk ‘round the block all that they have.. their only link with the future..

Your smile, that soft ‘hello’.. might well be a daily life saver..

We are all social creatures.

So be kind.





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